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Extended Validation SSL certificates (EV certificates) are the highest security SSL/TLS solution on the market. They link your organization with your domain name for maximum customer confidence, as your Certificate Authority of choice will run an in-depth validation procedure for identity assurance.

In practice, EV SSL certificates are used to protect even the largest, most ubiquitous business ventures from data theft, phishing attacks, and similar online security concerns.

Extended Validation SSL Certificates

Single Domain Premium Business SSL Certificates

ProductLowest PriceSecuresSite SealWarrantyIssuance Time 
Comodo PositiveSSL EV$65.80 / yr
$886 Saved
Single domain
$1,000,0001-5 days
Most PopularVerokey Secure Business Pro$76.33 / yr
$650 Saved
Single domain or Multiple domains
$1,500,0001-10 days
Comodo EV SSL$75.80 / yr
$1,417 Saved
Single domain
$1,750,0001-10 days
Sectigo EV SSL$75.80 / yr
$1,417 Saved
Single domain
$1,750,0001-5 days
GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV$117.21 / yr
$1,052 Saved
Single domain
$1,500,0001-10 days
Thawte Web Server EV Certificate$121.00 / yr
$1,017 Saved
Single domain or Multiple domains
$1,500,0001-10 days
DigiCert Extended Validation SSL$262.95 / yr
$615 Saved
Single domain
$2,000,0001-10 days
DigiCert Secure Site EV$755.99 / yr
$1,332 Saved
Single domain
$1,750,0001-10 days

Multi-Domain Premium Business SSL Certificates

ProductLowest PriceSecuresSite SealWarrantyIssuance Time 
Comodo Multi-Domain EV SSL$159.00 / yr
$4,040 Saved
Multiple domains
$1,750,0001-10 days
Most PopularVerokey Secure Business Pro Multi-Domain$76.33 / yr
$650 Saved
Multiple domains
$1,500,0001-10 days
Sectigo EV SSL Multi-Domain UCC$159.00 / yr
$4,040 Saved
Multiple domains
$1,750,0001-5 days
GeoTrust True BusinessID EV Multi-Domain (SAN/UCC)$117.21 / yr
$1,052 Saved
Multiple domains
$1,500,0001-10 days
Thawte Web Server EV Certificate$121.00 / yr
$1,017 Saved
Single domain or Multiple domains
$1,500,0001-10 days
DigiCert Multi-Domain EV$262.95 / yr
$615 Saved
Multiple domains
$1,000,0001-10 days
DigiCert Secure Site EV Multi-Domain$755.99 / yr
$1,332 Saved
Multiple domains
$1,750,0001-10 days
Comodo Sectigo GeoTrust DigiCert Thawte
24/7 Support
Money Back Guarantee
Green Padlock
99.9% Device Support

What is an Extended Validation SSL Certificate?

The prototypical EV SSL certificate is the ultimate response to the growing problem of data phishing and identity theft on the Internet. It is designed specifically to combat these issues by establishing a clear line of confirmation between a Certificate Authority and the site requesting an EV SSL certificate.

To that end, an Extended Validation (EV) SSL is made viable when significant resources are allotted to the confirmation and verification of a company and its website(s).

Getting an EV SSL certificate is also more complicated than, for example, getting DV certificates. There's more paperwork involved in the process, and there may be more back-and-forth between the site requesting EV certificates and the Certificate Authority. This can result in a prolonged waiting period for the validation. EV SSL certificate solutions can take up to 10 days before they are ready, for example. If you do need one sooner, we highly recommend the GeoTrust, Thawte of DigiCert range, as they tend to process the business validation the quickest.

Secure Website using EV SSL

EV SSL Certificate Use Cases - In-depth Verification and Data Management

Extended Validation (EV) certificates rely primarily on Certificate Authorities' ability to research the website owner that's looking to get domain-validated. Government institutions, global conglomerates, and massive corporations all turn to EV SSL certificates to get their identity verified to the maximum extent of their abilities.

Of course, any given business that uses a website to connect to its user(s) needs to invest substantial financial resources in encryption - 256-bit being the default - but that's not where the buck stops. The vast majority of SSL certificates will do the job just fine for this purpose, but none of them get a business verified to such a high level as EV.

Since not all Certificate Authorities offer it in the first place, EV also enjoys a certain level of exclusivity in the market.

Businesses Secured by EV SSL

What makes EV SSL so important for big companies?

Organization Validation (OV) certificates are a stellar option for smaller businesses and small-scale e-commerce sites, but they're not the be-all, end-all for global actors. Encryption alone won't combat scam sites that might be looking to fool a customer into giving it sensitive data, after all.

An Extended Validation SSL certificate packs all features provided by lower-grade solutions together with a comprehensive identity verification procedure that will ultimately keep safe both the customer and the site from future problems.

All major browsers support EV just fine, though the manner in which the certificate is recognizable may change from one to the other. Look for lock/key or padlock icon(s) and - in increasingly rarer cases - a green address bar. Unlike DV certificates, EV implementations will also feature the name of the entity that owns the certificate in question.

In practice, it's virtually impossible to fake any aspect of an EV certificate. Not to mention that CAs offer cutting edge support packages to take the system a step further. This way, companies, entities, and websites are protected from potential legal recourse caused by fake-sites phishing for user information.

Extended Validation (EV) SSL FAQ

EV SSL certificates are a high-security confirmation of a business owner's identity. Organizations that invest in EV SSL are submitted to an in-depth identity validation process that can take up to 10 business days - significantly longer than is the case with regular enterprise-tier SSL.

The upside to Extended Validation (EV) SSL is that it's more secure than virtually any other SSL on the market. An EV SSL certificate represents the ultimate validation of your business identity. Naturally, this is crucial if you're looking to bolster your customers' confidence in what you do.

At its core, an EV SSL certificate functions mostly the same as any other SSL. It's the process of its issuance that warrants an increase in security. Upon requesting an EV SSL certificate, the client and their website will be submitted to the highest level of scrutiny to confirm all relevant details about the organization

Further, EV SSL certificates can only be issued by a limited number of highly reputable Certificate Authorities. These SSL/TLS certificates are usually necessary for major, high-profile websites held by banks, large-scale e-commerce platforms, globally relevant corporations, and similar enterprise-tier clients.

Naturally, getting an Extended Validation SSL means spending more money. For small-scale business users, this might not be necessary. Many business owners will get a similar level of security with regular business-grade SSL solutions - at a reduced cost.

Having said that, a company that puts its customers first, and which wants to be fully validated and verified to keep user information as secure as possible may want to look into getting an EV SSL certificate. EV ensures that your website domain is an extension of your company's identity and protects your users from phishing attempts in any browser they may use.

Getting an EV SSL certificate can be a significant financial investment if you're interested in truly cutting-edge solutions. This means that not every business and/or website owner will be ready to take the plunge. It is, however, a necessity for a high-profile organization that depends on its customers' goodwill and confidence.

With an EV SSL certificate, your visitors will know that they're safe from virtually all phishing attacks. Depending on the web browser they're using to access your website, they may get a green address bar and/or a padlock icon to signify that the domain is secure.

There are no free EV SSL certificates on the market as of 2021. The simple truth is that the issuance of EV certificates requires a fair bit of work on the Certificate Authority's end. The confirmation process must be flawless because otherwise, the CA wouldn't be able to provide the necessary assurance of security to the visitor.

The signing of an EV certificate also requires a non-insignificant amount of paperwork and general data collection. Such a complicated and important domain validation process does not come for free.

Customer Reviews

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Comodo EV SSL

Lowest price guarantee, starting as low as $75.80 /yr

When it comes to pure identity validation, EV SSL certificate solutions don't always have to break the bank. The Comodo EV SSL serves as the perfect entry-level encryption and identity verification option for your professional-tier website.

Comodo Multi-Domain EV SSL

Lowest price guarantee, starting as low as $159.00 /yr

Apply for a Comodo Multi-Domain EV SSL and upgrade your website with support for HTTPS alongside a batch of extra goodies and a more comprehensive support suite. This certificate can safekeep up to 100 domains under a single license, ensuring total coverage of the entirety of your online presence.

GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV

Lowest price guarantee, starting as low as $117.21 /yr

Carve out a safe spot on the web with GeoTrust's own True BusinessID certificate - now upgraded with cutting-edge EV support, to boot. Get HTTPS, courtesy of one of the leading Certificate Authorities on the market in 2021.

GeoTrust True BusinessID EV Multi-Domain (SAN/UCC)

Lowest price guarantee, starting as low as $117.21 /yr

The ultimate, all-encompassing online safety solution from GeoTrust, True BusinessID EV Multi-Domain certificate is the nuclear option for your websites. Get the GeoTrust lock icon and let your visitors know that their information is as safe as it gets.

DigiCert Secure Site with EV

Lowest price guarantee, starting as low as $755.99 /yr

From Domain Validation over Wildcard, all the way to top-grade EV SSL, DigiCert paves the path for others to tread on. Display the DigiCert Secure Site branding on your websites today and get the best online address and identity protection on the market.

DigiCert Extended Validation SSL

Lowest price guarantee, starting as low as $262.95 /yr

DigiCert's dedicated EV certificate is used by banks, government institutions, and globally active companies to keep their websites safe across all commercially available browsers. Whether you're in the financial, legal, or high-end business sector, DigiCert is the go-to brand when spending is not a concern.

Thawte Web Server EV Certificate

Lowest price guarantee, starting as low as $121.00 /yr

The Thawte Web Server EV certificate sits near the top-end of the online security scale - both in regard to quality and general appeal. Thawte prides itself on a long history of web safety provisioning, and their EV products fit the bill, too. No browser is left unsupported, either, as this Thawte EV certificate works with virtually all modern browsers out of the box.

Comodo PositiveSSL EV

Lowest price guarantee, starting as low as $65.80 /yr

Comodo's PositiveSSL EV comes in as one of the most competitive EV solutions on the web. Protect your server and all of your visitors with a Comodo-branded public key, and display the PositiveSSL Site Seal to boost your conversion rate.